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Day 12

The past few years, I've used the month of November to be thankful for something every day. This year I found a photo floating around Instagram with one word prompts of things to be thankful for. And I thought I'd share them with you.

12. Gift. “You May not see the light you bring, but never doubt that

you shine.” - Jenny Lawson

Remember YOU are a gift to the world. The universe looked at its immense amazingness and thought it needed one of you too. Also, anytime you need to give me a gift, anything from HER SHOP works.

*For those of you who may be unfamiliar with J.Law, please make her acquaintance via HER BLOG or her books. All of them are very funny, but I have a particular affinity for Furiously Happy, followed very closely by You Are Here. Sometimes Lawson can say what I'm feeling better than I can, and sometimes I just stare blankly and say......ummmmm WHAT?!?!?! (And I mean that as a total compliment by the way).

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