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On the Bright Side...

Like many of you, 2018 was not the best year for me. BY FAR. While Hubby and I did some amazing things, we also were hit pretty hard with some medical and family issues that we weren't expecting. I'll spare you the gory details but I will just reiterate that it wasn't much fun.

That's not to say that we didn't have some amazing times this year. We both had siblings get married (YAY), went on some fun trips (YAY) and started planning some fun adventures for 2019 (extra YAY). But as we've learned, you have to take the good with the bad and vice versa.

So for 2019 I'm focusing on the positives. Not everything will be great, but there is (usually) something positive you can take from any situation. For example: We spent a weekend in Acadia National Park this summer. We had beautiful weather, saw some amazing things, and took our first whale watching tour. The 'Whales & Puffins Tour' was very exciting at first. We saw lots of cute puffins but when we went out deeper to look for whales, more than half of the boat got sick (Hubby and I included), we didn't see any whales, and we ended up going home and not finishing our sight seeing list. Instead of turning that into a complete negative, I choose to focus on the fact that we did have fun for the first half, we needed that nap after waking up to see the sun rise, we have free tickets to do another boat tour when we go back to Acadia (and have an excuse to go back), and have learned the proper weather to go out on a whale watching boat.

I tried to think of a super fun hashtag that I can use to get me through this year in social media, but all the good ones that I thought of were taken. Using lyrics by the great Eric Idle, I'm opting to just look #OnTheBrightside. Of life (lessons learned), of missed planes (I got upgraded to First Class on the next one), unfolded laundry (to be honest, this one doesn't bother me) and surprise medical procedures (the drugs and days off of work).

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