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Flip the Script

So one of the things that in my mental health tool box is rephrasing the way I talk about myself. Instead of being being a mom who is too tired and frazzled to cook a balanced meal, I am a fun mom. And the spontaneous living room picnics of microwaved hot dogs and veggie straws will be core memories for my kids. They will look back and remember that I wasn't worried about them eating broccoli, but wanted them to be fed and happy.

I have found that trying to find the positives out of seemingly negative situations, helps me spend less time agonizing about the ways I messed up today, and helps me move on. Here is a recent example:

I did not just "unnecessarily" spend money on (three pairs of) shoes I may never actually wear. I saved three pairs of shoes from a landfill - you're welcome Mother Earth. I went to a local thrift store that gives money to kids IN MY AREA. I spent $12 on three pairs of shoes and that money is going to KIDS. I am being a humanitarian. I should have bought more!

**The 'unnecessarily' adjective (adverb? - probably adverb) is mostly from my husband. I find shoes necessary. And helping kids. And saving the earth. And stimulating the local economy. And those sandal wedges MAY look amazing with the second hand gold sequined romper that I bought for our cruise next week. But we will never know until we get them together, will we?!?!?!

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